Dana Melanie – Winning Awards In Directorial Debut

Dana Melanie - Howard Pictures White Ant
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We had the honor of interviewing Dana Melanie, who just won an award for Best Actress in 10 Year, a film she directed, at the Mammoth film festival.

First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS on your award and first win!!!

Can you tell us a little about 10 Year?

10 Year is about two best friends having an existential crisis because their high school ten year reunion is approaching. It’s loosely based in conversations I would have with my childhood best friend about our high school reunion – which I will absolutely never be attending.

Is this your directorial debut? How does it feel to be on the other side of the camera?

Yes, 10 Year is my official directorial debut. I had major imposture syndrome the night before filming, but managed to put one foot in front of the other after a long conversation with my mom, who is also one of the incredible producers on the project. It’s definitely fun being on both sides of the camera, but I wouldn’t have been able to do successfully if it wasn’t for my amazing crew. 

Tell us a little about Mammoth and winning Best Actress for a Short film.

Mammoth Film Festival was our first premier for 10 Year and it was such a wonderful and welcoming experience. We didn’t know anyone going into it and it was one of the first festivals we submitted to, so to walk away with two nominations, and a win is really special. 

Can you talk about your collaboration with Stone Bench?

Stone Bench came on to the short at our halfway mark like a knight in shinning armor. We were really fortunate to be connected with the company and collaborate together. Being trusted as one of their first American projects is also a really big honor. 

What’s next for 10 Year?

The full feature film! We are going to do a few more festivals and do an online premier, but during that time we are working to secure financing for the full feature film — which the short film is actually the first twelve pages of.

What is the best way that your fans follow your work:




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