Mirrors Of The Mind 6 Art Exhibition

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This Saturday, November 18th, 2017, the annual art exhibition “Mirrors of the Mind 6” explores the intersection of psychology, arts and culture. During the art exhibition, it will once again feature poetry, dance and musical acts while seeking to educate and inspire, and create an opportunity for empathy and shared humanity.

by Terry Marks Tarlow

Co-founder of Mirrors of the Mind, Terry Marks-Tarlow, PhD, has a been a psychotherapist since 1985. She runs her private practice out of Santa Monica and continues to create art on a consistent basis. “I have a model come to my house in Topanga once a month, which gives me a staple diet of art.” She has also created a coloring book called Truly Mindful Coloring (PESI, 2016), which not only features her drawings, but also content on how to practice mindfulness. “Psychotherapy is an art, related to the arts of improv, as well as poetry. Decades ago I became interested in fractals and other aspects of nonlinear science. I wrote a book on their application to psychology and needed illustrations for concepts I was inventing.” Marks-Tarlow created the drawings for Psyche’s Veil (Routledge, 2008), which launched her passion to illustrate her own books.

by Terry Tarlow

Co-founder Pamela McCrory, PhD, said, “Appreciating the arts has always been an important part of my life—but it is the Mirrors events that have given me the gift of weaving the arts into my professional life and to connect and learn from so many clinicians who share this passion and express their creativity.” She engages colleagues in power of creativity for development in trainings on self-care through the arts. In one collaborative art project at the annual psychology conference thousands of psychologists created a large artwork–a visual conversation about the meaning and future of psychology. She joined with psychologists in yearlong project called The Daily Habit of Capturing Beauty – ”using cell phones we took a photograph of something ‘beautiful’ every day for a year – the daily awareness practice taught each of us to slow down, appreciate life and observe the good around us every day.“

by Lawrence J. Martin

Although Lawrence J. Martin, PsyD, has worked in the field of psychotherapy for over twenty-five years, he has been a licensed psychologist for the past fifteen years.  He has been creating art since he was seven years old. His parents soon noticed his talent, and enrolled him in art classes when he was eleven years old. “These were the only formal lessons I had. I used what I learned then, and what I have learned since from other artists, to improve my skills and further develop my artistic style,” said Martin whose primary medium is graphite on paper.  He has exhibited his work in group art shows and his Martin Luther King portrait is on permanent display at Rutgers University.

by Natalia Boucher

Natalia Boucher, LMFT, said her work as a therapist has influenced her work as an artist. “I have developed a more empathic eye for the beauty of nature, I am better listener so I am a better observer. I have developed the patience to wait for change and for the right time, which allows me to wait for the right shoot. Now I have a deeper understanding of reframing and looking through different angles.”

by T Bennett

An opening reception for “Mirrors of the Mind 6” takes place on Saturday, November 18, 2017 from 5-10pm at Art Share LA, 801 E 4th Place, LA, 90013. Enjoy a silent auction as well as a variety of visual arts such as fine art, dance, musical performances and poetry. There is a $10 admission charge for the general public or $5 for students and LACPA members. The art exhibition will remain on view from November 15 – 26, 2017. Hours are Wednesday to Saturday from 1- 6pm.

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