By Kathy Carpenter

Pictured: Katee Drysdale (Kathleen), Zackary Bonin (Freddy Malone)
Scripps Ranch Theatre Presents Ann Nobles And Neither Have I Wings To fly. Interesting. I was drawn to this play about two sisters possibly because I have three sisters, but also because I saw Katee Drysdale was in the show.
Pictured: Paul Eddy (Charlie Doyle), Kate Rose Reynolds (Eveline Donnelly), Sara Jane Nash (Moira [background])
I was instantly pulled into the Donnelly family with Katee attempting to read her mom’s favorite book as Kathleen Donnelly having just come back from her funeral. And Neither have I Wings To Fly is the story of two sisters as opposite as can be. Eveline who as the older sister has stayed by her moms side for three years as she faded away. She is the caretaker. Now she feels she must take care of her dad, putting her life aside. Wanting to fly off to pursue a life of her own. And, Kathleen the younger sister about to marry in days. who is feeling trapped in a life that is killing her and wants to escape in the arms of another. The story also shows their dad attempting to deal with the death and the wedding in his own way. Another element is the ghost of their mom who won’t leave until things are settled.

Pictured: Katee Drysdale (Kathleen), Zackary Bonin (Freddy Malone), Hayden Emmerson (Leo Doyle)
Family dynamics at work. Always interesting to see parts tat might hit home and how they cope and insights of your own that might hit home.
Jacquelyn Ritz directed a cast who did a great job driving home this warm family drama, with funny elements. Kate Rose, played Eveline the other sister. The more serious one, who gives for everyone, and is rewarded in the end. A more down to earth performance. Walter Ruskin, plays the dad. Sara Jane Nash, the ghost, adding a touch of mystique. Zachary Brown, plays an actor, the other man. His Shakespearean soliloquy a masterpiece. Hayden Emmerson, plays Leo the fiancee. Such a perfect attentive gentleman. I loved Leo. Paul Eddy, played Leo’s drifter brother. He did a great job, being a redemptive man, falling under the spell of love

Photo Credit: Ken Jacques
Pictured: Walter Ruskin (Peter Donnelly), Sara Jane Nash (Moira)

Pictured: Katee Drysdale (Kathleen), Kate Rose Reynolds (Eveline Donnelly), Sara Jane Nash (Moira)
One again kudos for a fabulous set of an Irish Country home in the 50’s. Thanks Ruth Russel.
The title is taken from a Scottish Folk song consolidated by Cecil Sharp in 1906. “The Water is Wide,” Which is a song with beautiful lyrics, sung at the end of the play by the ghost and the dad.
Forget your Agnst and watch someone else’s story of ups and downs.
And Neither Have I Wings To fly
Nov. 8 thru Dec. 8, 2019
Scripps Ranch Theatre
Legler Benbough theatre
Alliant International University
Italian American Reconciliation
Jan. 17 – Feb. 16, 2020
Romantic comedy
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